8. June 2022, 20:00h
9. Sommerkonzert am Fluss
Pfarrei St. Nikolaus - Krefeld
More informationsFranzösische Chormusik,
Emil Råberg: Dubito für 8stg. Chor und Akkordeon (2010),
Sprituals in neuen Arrangements mit KlavierPavel Efremov, Akkordeon
Mariko Sudo, KlavierSchönhausen-Chor Krefeld
Leitung: Joachim Neugart -
11. June 2022, 21:00h
Nachtkonzert im Quirinusmünster
Quirinus Münster - Neuss
Mehr InformationenA. Bruckner – 7. Sinfonie
Konzert mit der Neusser-Kammerorchester
14. June 2022
Sommerlicher Benefizabend
Hanseatische Materialverwaltung - Hamburg
More informations/TicketsCharity evening of the Hamburg Cultural Foundation
Solo Recital
15. June 2022, 16:00h
Oper “GLAS”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/Tickets*PREMIER*
Composition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
17. June 2022, 20:00h
“Dream (e)scapes”
Dom St. Nikolai - Greifswald
More informations/TicketsGreifswalder Bachwoche
Lars Scheibner, choreography
Pavel Efremov, accordion
Ensemble CHOREOSArtistic director: Stephan Lutermann
18. June 2022, 11:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
21. June 2022, 10:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
21. June 2022, 12:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
22. June 2022, 11:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
23. June 2022, 10:00h
Oper “Glas”
glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
23. June 2022, 12:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
More informations/TicketsComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
24. June 2022, 11:00h
Oper “Glas”
Glasmacherviertel - Düsseldorf
Mehr InformationenComposition by Caio de Azevedo
Libretto by Friederike Karig -
25. June 2022, 21:30h
Nacht Konzert
Quirinus Münster - Neuss
Chamber Choir Capella Quirina Neuss
Director: Joachim Neugart
Accordion: Pavel Efremov -
25. June 2022, 15:00h
„Leuchtende Tage“ Festival
Musical performance together with the violinist Nina Reddig
4. July 2022, 15:00h
Duo Recital
Haus Grotehof - Essen
Antonia Busse, Soprano
Pavel Efremov, Accordion_________________________________
Concert in cooperation with the foundation “Live-Music-Now” Rhein-Ruhr.
5. July 2022, 17:00h
Awarding of prizes at the Faculty of Sociology
Bielefeld University - Bielefeld
15. July 2022, 19:00h
Solo Recital
Privat concert
29. July 2022, 19:00h
Länder & Styles
Herrenhaus Harkotten-von Korff - SASSENBERG-FÜCHTORF
More informations/TicketsDuo Chira&Efremov
Compositions by: B.Bartok, F. Liszt, A. Piazzolla, C. Corea a.o.
30. July 2022, 18:00h
“Dream (e)scapes”
Veranstaltungsforum Fürstenfeld - Fürstenfeldbruck
TicketsLars Scheibner, choreography
Pavel Efremov, accordion
Ensemble CHOREOSArtistic director: Stephan Lutermann
21. August 2022, 17:00h
Meister von Morgen
Werner Richard Saal - Herdecke
More InformationsConcert of the classical music scholarship holders
7. September 2022, 19:00h
Konzertreihe “4 Instrumente, 4 Konzerte”
Pfarre Zur Göttlichen Liebe - Wien
Concert series “4 instruments, 4 concerts”
with Andreea Chira (pan flute) and the Syrinx Consort.Further information follows
17. September 2022
Lange Nacht der Kirchen
Paderborner Dom - Paderborn
18. September 2022, 17:00h
Gempt Soireen – Solo Recital
Gempt Halle - Langerich
More Informations/ TicketsWorks by IS. Bach, F. Couperin, D. Scarlatti, F. Liszt, E. Granados, S. Gubaidulina, V. Semionov,S. Voytenko, J. Guinjoan
26. September 2022, 17:00h
Stadthalle - Bielefeld
Primus Duo
Mario Siegle, Violin
Pavel Efremov, Accordion -
18. October 2022, 19:00h
Solo Recital
GolfClub - Bad Salzuflen
Privat Event.
Works by D. Scarlatti, A.Vivaldi, G.Bizet and A.Piazzolla.
21. October 2022, 19:00h
Solo Recital
Maximilianpark - Hamm
Privat Event.
Works by J.S. Bach, F. Liszt, D. Scarlatti, S. Wonder a.o.
23. October 2022, 12:00h
Solo Recital
Privat Event.
Works by J.S. Bach, S. Gubaidulina and A. Piazzolla.
28. October 2022
Gala Generozității
Madison Park - Chișinău
More Infos/ TicketsAn event organized by CCF Moldova and the famous soprano Valentina Nafornița, patron of the organization, in support of children in need.
11. November 2022, 19:30h
“Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt”
Kulturkneipe - Dalborn
*POSTPONED! New date: 02/10/2023*
A chanson evening in the footsteps of Zarah Leander, Milly, Edith Piaf and Maria Tanase.
Mezzosopran: Eva Marti
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
25. November 2022
Beat Club Bliss
Beat Club - Greven
More InfosSolo Recital. Works by J.S. Bach, F. Couperin, J. Guinjoan, S. Gubaidulina.
2. December 2022, 14:30h
Bielefeld University - Bielefeld
Graduation ceremony of the math faculty
Primus Duo (Mario Siegle Violine)
In Programm Works by: J.Brahms, A. Piazzolla, V. Monti, C. Saint-Saëns
2. December 2022, 17:00h
Bielefeld University - Bielefeld
Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics
Primus Duo (Mario Siegle Violine)
31. December 2022, 15:30h
New Year Concert
Kolvenburg - Billerbeck
Tickets -
4. February 2023, 20:00h
Bruckner 7
Muziekcentrum De Bijloke - Gent, Belgium
More informations/TicketsA. Bruckner – 7th SymphonieWith Annelien Van Wauwe & CAROUSEL Ensemble. -
10. February 2023, 19:00h
“Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt”
Kulturkneipe - Dalborn
A chanson evening in the footsteps of Zarah Leander, Milly, Edith Piaf and Maria Tanase.
Mezzosopran: Eva Marti
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
14. February 2023, 20:00h
Hörprobe Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Folkwang Neue Aula - Essen-Werden
Concert series with students from German music academies.
1. March 2023, 19:00h
Solo Recital: Colors
LWL-Römermuseum - Haltern am See
Infos/TicketsMusic in Romans | Concerts by Young Virtuosos | 2023
In the program works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, V Semionov, E Grieg, A Piazzolla.
4. March 2023, 18:00h
"Conceal and Reveal"
Museum RELiGIO - Telgte
Mehr InformationenThe opening of the exhibition entitled “Covering and Revealing – 400 Years of Telgte Hunger Cloth”
19. March 2023, 18:00h
Stroetmanns Fabrik - Emsdetten
More InfosMikroPhilharmonie EinKlang
Im Programm:
Ludwig van Beethoven: Ouvertüre zu „Coriolan“
Robert Schumann: Cellokonzert
Dimitri Schostakowitsch: 9. Sinfonie -
23. March 2023, 19:30h
Friedenskapelle - Münster
MikroPhilharmonie EinKlang
Im Programm:
Ludwig van Beethoven: Ouvertüre zu „Coriolan“
Robert Schumann: Cellokonzert
Dimitri Schostakowitsch: 9. Sinfonie -
26. March 2023, 19:30h
Solo Recital
Bürgerhaus Telgte - Telgte
More informations/TicketsIn Programm works by J.S.Bach, E. Granados, F. Couperin, S. Gubaidulina, F. Liszt a.o.
21. April 2023, 19:30h
Solo Recital
INSEL Musiksalon - Wuppertal
Mehr InformationenWorks by E. Grieg, V. Vlassov, S. Wonder, A. Piazzolla and others.
4. May 2023, 19:00h
"An Argentine Evening"
Kunsthaus - Essen
Matei Rusu, Guitar
Pavel Efremov, Accordion
In program works by: A. Piazzolla, T. Gubitsch, M.D. Pujol u.a.
5. May 2023, 19:30h
Westfalen Forum - Münster
EinKlang MikroPhilharmonie.
In program:
Beethoven: Tripelkonzert
Strawinsky: Sinfonie in drei Sätzen
7. May 2023, 18:00h
Gempthalle - Lengerich
EinKlang MikroPhilharmonie.
In program:
Beethoven: Tripelkonzert
Strawinsky: Sinfonie in drei Sätzen
16. May 2023, 19:00h
Solo Recital
St. Paulus Dom - Münster
In program works by J.S. Bach, F. Liszt, F. Couperin, W.A. Mozart, A. Piazzolla a.o.
22. May 2023, 19:00h
Solo Recital
In the program works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, F. Lizst, F. Couperin, A. Piazzolla and others.
Concert in cooperation with the Rotary Club Duisburg.
*Closed event.
16. June 2023, 20:00h
Ein argentinischer Abend
Schafstall - Bad Essen
More InfosGuitar: Matei Rusu
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
In programm works by A. Piazzolla, T. Gubitsch, M.D. Pujol a.o.
18. June 2023, 17:00h
Trinitatiskirche - Bonn
More InfosConcert with the “Polyphoniker” Choir Bonn
24. June 2023, 19:30h
Lutherkirche - Bonn
More InfosConcert with the “Polyphoniker” Choir Bonn
27. June 2023, 20:00h
Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium - Bonn
More Infosconcert with the “Polyphoniker” Choir Bonn
2. July 2023, 16:00h
Elbphilharmonie - Hamburg
Ensemble CHOREOS
Production “Dream (e)scapes”
7. August 2023, 14:30h
Erik Orsenna - The Gardener of Versailles
Corvey Castle - Höxter
In program works by F. Couperin, J.P. Rameau, L.C. Daquin.
8. August 2023, 11:30h
Erik Orsenna - The Gardener of Versailles
Corvey Castle - Höxter
In program works by F. Couperin, J.P. Rameau, L.C. Daquin.
13. August 2023, 15:00h
Solo Recital
Margarethenkapelle - Porta-Westfalica
In Programm works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, J.P. Rameau, A. Piazzolla a.o.
27. August 2023
Festive concert on Independence Day
The Square of the Grand National Assembly - Chisinau, Moldova
National Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra “S. Lunchevici”
Conductor: Mihail Agafita
Program: J.S.Bach – Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra No. 4 in A major BWV 1055 -
2. September 2023, 20:00h
Dream (e)scapes
Abteikirche Brauweiler - Pulheim
Lars Scheibner, choreography
Pavel Efremov, accordion
Ensemble CHOREOSArtistic director: Stephan Lutermann
14. September 2023, 17:00h
Duo Recital
Colosseum Theater - Essen
Piano: Mark Kantorovic
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
(Privat Event)
28. September 2023, 18:00h
Solo Recital
16. October 2023, 20:00h
"Contra Punct"
National Theater - Baghdad, Irak
Internationa Theater Festival
Ensemble Tanzgebiet
Piano: Markus Stollenwerk
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
28. October 2023, 18:00h
Solo Recital
Church St. Peter and Paul - Kronberg im Taunus
Kronberger Kulturnacht
3. November 2023, 19:30h
Solo Recital
Ev. Church - Münster-Wolbeck
4. November 2023, 20:00h
Solo Recital
St. Matthäus Kirche - St. Matthäus Church
Concert during the “Long Night of the Churches”
9. November 2023, 20:00h
Hamburger Kammermusikfest 2023
Johanneskirche Altona - Hamburg
In program works by J.S. Bach, F. Liszt, C. Franck, F. Kreisler a.o.
Violin: Ava Bahari
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Organ: Kerstin Wolf
10. November 2023, 19:00h
Hamburger Kammermusikfest 2023
Agathenburg Castle - Agathenburg
In programm works by J.S.Bach, F. Liszt, A. Vivaldi, D. Scarlatti, F. Kreisler a.o.
Violin: Ava Bahari
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
30. November 2023, 20:00h
Consol Theater - Gelsenkirchen
6. December 2023, 09:00h
LR "C. Porumbescu" - Chisinau, Moldova
Masterclass for students of cultural institutions from Chisinau.
7. December 2023, 18:00h
Duo Conunov&Efremov
Organ Hall - Chisinau, Moldova
In program works by J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, P. Glass, A. Piazzolla, A. Vivaldi u.a.
Violin: Alexandra Conunov
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Concert organized by “Arta Vie” foundation.
7. December 2023, 09:00h
LR "C. Porumbescu" - Chisinau, Moldova
Masterclass for students of cultural institutions from Chisinau.
8. December 2023, 09:00h
LR "C. Porumbescu" - Chisinau, Moldova
Masterclass for students of cultural institutions from Chisinau.
10. January 2024, 15:00h
Orgel PLUS Akkordeon
Martinskirche - Bottrop
“Orgel Plus” Festival
12. January 2024, 19:00h
"An Argentinian Evening"
Kulturkneipe - Dalborn
Duo Efremov&Rusu
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Guitar: Matei Rusu
13. January 2024, 19:30h
"An Argentinian Evening"
Culture House "Haus Wibbelsmann" - Glandorf
Duo Efremov&Rusu
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Guitar: Matei Rusu
14. January 2024, 18:00h
"An Argentinian Evening"
St. Maria Himmelfahrt - Wesel-Ginderich
Duo Efremov&Rusu
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Guitar: Matei Rusu
21. January 2024, 17:00h
Junge Meister
Staatliche Musikschule - Löhne
Solo Recital
In program works by J.S. Bach, F. Liszt, D. Scarlatti a.o.
3. February 2024, 19:00h
“Dream (e)scapes”
Festspielhaus - Baden Baden
Lars Scheibner, choreography
Pavel Efremov, accordion
Ensemble CHOREOSArtistic director: Stephan Lutermann
18. February 2024, 18:00h
Junge Virtuosen: Duo Chira & Efremov
Kunsthalle - Lingen
Pan Flute: Andreea Chira
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
13. March 2024, 18:00h
"The new world"
Privat - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
14. March 2024, 18:00h
"The new world"
Privat - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
15. March 2024, 18:00h
"The new world"
Colegio de Espana - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
16. March 2024, 18:00h
"The new World"
Privat - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
18. March 2024, 20:00h
"The new world"
Kathedrale Sainte-Croix-des-Armeniens - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
19. March 2024, 13:30h
"The new world"
Centre Hospitalier de Rambouillet - Paris
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In program works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o.
27. March 2024, 18:00h
Master-Projekt (Final-Exam) *Postponed
Folkwang UdK - Essen-Werden
The final exam for the “Professional Performance” master’s degree.
In program works by P. Glass, D. Scarlatti, F. Say, N. A. Huber, F. Liszt.
17. April 2024, 19:00h
The concert-show "Between Heaven and Earth"
Arena Chișinău - Moldova
TicketsThe concert-show “Between Heaven and Earth” inspired by the novel “Homework” by Nicolae Dabija.
Concept/ Conductor: Cristian Spataru
Director: Daniela BurlacaMain role/soprano: Valentina Nafornita
Main role/actor: Marius Manole
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Cello: Constantin Borodin
Orchestra: Camerata Chisinau -
18. April 2024, 11:00h
Masterclass & Concert
Music school - Orhei, Moldova
Series of masterclasses together with Marcel Lazar (piano) and Maria Florea (violin).
19. April 2024, 11:00h
Masterclass & Concert
Music school "M. Cebotari" - Cahul, Moldova
Series of masterclasses together with Marcel Lazar (piano) and Maria Florea (violin).
28. April 2024, 18:00h
Spring concert
Zeughaus - Neuss
Neusser Chamber Orchestra
Conductor – Joachim Neugart
Violin – Michael DauthA. Bruckner – Symphony No. 6, Fassung von M. Giessen
W. A. Mozart – Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A Major KV 219 -
16. May 2024, 20:00h
"Essence" *Premier*
Ehemalige Kirche - Hagen a.T.W.
Choreos Ensemble
18. May 2024, 19:30h
Symphonic Hall of Aarhus Musikhus - Aarhus, Denmark
Choreos Ensemble
13. July 2024
“Piazzolla la Butuceni”
Eco Resort - Butuceni, Moldova
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
Piano: Marcel LazarIn program works by A. Piazzolla, R. Galliano, S. Gubaidulina, M. Levickis a.o.
16. August 2024, 20:00h
"The new world"
St. Anna Kapelle - Höpingen
Duo Garrido & Efremov
Luis Gonzales Garrido – Saxophone
Pavel Efremov – Accordion
In programm works by G. Gershwin, A. Ginastera, A. Beach, A. Piazzolla a.o..
17. August 2024, 20:00h
Istanbul - Turkey
Lars Scheibner, Choreography
Pavel Efremov, Accordion
Ensemble CHOREOSArtistic director: Stephan Lutermann
25. August 2024, 11:30h
Poetry Slam Session
Lippisches Landesmuseum - Detmold
Exposition “Eva Berendes: Threads”
Poetry Slammer: Kristin Kiltsch, Merisa Ferati, Evgenija Kosov, Alexander Paul, Niko Sioulis
Accordion: Pavel Efremov
8. November 2024, 18:00h
“Das ist mit ein Rätsel”
Kunstmuseum im Marstall - Paderborn
Opening of the exhibition “Das ist mir ein Rätsel”.
Works by M. Levickis, P. Glass, M. Ishii. -
16. November 2024, 19:30h
"Musical Kaleidoscope"
Kulturgut Winkhausen - Salzkotten
Infos/TicketsSolo Recital
Works by Franz Liszt, Dominico Scarlatti, Anatoli Kusyakov, Astor Piazolla a.o. -
10. January 2025, 19:30h
Orgel PLUS Akkordeon
Sankt Johannes - Bottrop
More informationsOrgel Plus Festival
Pavel Efremov, Accordion
Mona Rozdestvenskyte, OrganMusic by Bach, Franck, Kujala a.o.
19. January 2025, 18:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium - Stadtlohn
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
22. January 2025, 19:30h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Haus Witten - Witten
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
26. January 2025, 18:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Erich Göpfert Stadthalle - Unna
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
2. February 2025, 17:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Rittersaal Schloss Raesfeld - Raesfeld
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
5. February 2025, 19:30h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Kulturzentrum August Everding - Bottrop
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
7. February 2025, 20:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Rivius-Gymnasium - Attendorn
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
9. February 2025, 17:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Werner Richard Saal - Herdecke
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
14. February 2025, 19:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Haus Martfeld - Schwelm
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
16. February 2025, 19:30h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Rathaus Senden - Senden
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
21. February 2025, 19:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Kulturzentrum Schloß Borbeck - Essen-Borbeck
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
23. February 2025, 17:00h
"Accordion Metamorphosis"
Georgs Galerie - Gronau-Epe
Concert series “Best of NRW”
The program includes works by J.S.Bach, F.Liszt, M. Ishii, U. Rojko and others.
9. March 2025, 15:00h
Wir sind Chor! – Ein Fest der Stimmen
Tickets“ESSENCE” Production
Ensemble CHOREOS -
6. April 2025, 17:00h
Zions Kirche - Bielefeld
Solo Recital
Works by F. Liszt, N.A.Huber, U.Rojko, M. Ishii. -
13. April 2025, 11:00h
Asolo Matinée
Sala Consiliare - Asolo, Italy